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Error Groups

Craftgate API returns a response in a certain format in case of a systematic or fictional error while executing a transaction or query. If the error returned is a business validation error, e.g. "insufficient funds" or "invalid transaction", then http code 422 is returned.

As stated in the Failed Transactions section on the API documentation home page, in such cases, only a field named errors is included in the response to be returned. The parameters of this object, which contains the details of the error that occurs, are as follows:


The unique code for the error


Explanatory message that mentions the attribute of the error


(see: Payment Error Groups) Error group sent in case of an error is occurred that is payment related

In case of an error, merchants can use the errorCode and errorGroup fields to execute their own business rules and/or display localized error messages according to the user.

Important Note: For errors related to payment, absolutely use the errorGroup field.

Sample 1 Error returned for a payment attempt that received an insufficient credit card limit error

"errors": {
"errorCode": "10051",
"errorDescription": "Insufficient card limit, insufficient balance",

Sample 2 The error returned when the expiry date field in the entered card information is incorrect

"errors": {
"errorCode": "4152",
"errorDescription": "Invalid card expiry year \"2010\" "

Error Groups

Among the errors returned by Craftgate, those with error codes greater than 10000 are payment errors, and those less than 10000 are validation errors.

Validation Errors (Integration Based)

Craftgate API checks the request parameters sent by the merchant before communicating with the bank or payment institution in transactions such as payment receipt, cancellation/refund application. During these checks, if a parameter that is malformed or does not comply with the business rules is detected (incorrect card number, past expiration date, missing payment information, etc.), the request is marked as validation error and an error message is sent. Such errors are errors with error codes less than 10000. The error group value of these errors is not sent.

In order to keep your payment performance rates as high as possible, it is recommended that you detect such errors before going live and set up your systems in such a way that they do not encounter these errors. If the integration has been completed successfully, it is expected that it will never be seen in the live environment. However, in order to prevent the user from encountering with possible integration problems, merchants integrated with Craftgate should ** catch errors** with error codes less than 10000 and should not allow the user to see them.

Payment Errors (Payment Based)

Payment related errors are listed in the table below with their errorGroup equivalence and descriptions. These error groups are designed in accordance with the error messages returned to Craftgate from banks and payment and e-money institutions. Each error group listed here has a code (errorCode) in the format 10xxx.

Error Group (errorGroup)DescriptionDetail
AMEX_CAN_USE_ONLY_MRAmerican Express card errorAn error occurred while making payment transaction with an American Express card.
APM_ERRORAPM Payment declinedAPM Payment declined.
APPROVED_COMPLETEDPre-approved transactionThe order number (orderId) was previously used during another successful checkout. Successful payment transaction should be checked, if you think that the payment has not been made, the payment should be tried again with a new order number.
BIN_NOT_FOUNDBIN not foundThe first 8 digits of the card number identify the BIN number. A valid BIN number could not be found from the entered card number. Buyer should check the card number and try to pay again.
BLOCKED_CARDCard is blockedCard is blocked. Buyer should contact to the bank.
CARD_NOT_PERMITTEDThe card does not allow the transactionNo transaction can be made with this card. Payment can be made by trying a different card information.
COMMUNICATION_OR_SYSTEM_ERRORCommunication or system errorBank could not respond within the expected time, there may have been a temporary interruption.
CVC2_MAX_ATTEMPTCVC2 incorrect entry attempts exceededThe security code has been entered incorrectly repeatedly and the payment was rejected because the number of incorect payment attempts was exceeded.
CVC_REQUIREDCVC is requiredPayment cannot be made through the POS without the CVC security code. The payment should be tried again, making sure that the security code information is entered.
DEBIT_CARDS_INSTALLMENT_NOT_ALLOWEDInstallments cannot be made with debit cards.Installment cannot be made with debit cards. In order for the payment to be successful, payment should be done with single installment.
DEBIT_CARDS_REQUIRES_3DSDebit cards can only be used in 3D Secure transactionWith debit cards, 3D Secure payment should be done. If buyer has entered a debit card as the card number, it should be directed to 3D Secure payment process.
DECLINEDPayment declinedPayment transaction is declined. The cardholder should contact to the bank.
DO_NOT_HONOURThe transaction has not been approved. Please try with another cardBank of card rejected the payment transaction. Daily transaction limit/count may be exceeded or an error may have been received because many attempts were made. Buyer should contact to the bank.
EXCEEDS_ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIESAllowed number of PIN entries exceededMax PIN tries exceeded.
EXCEEDS_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT_LIMITWithdrawal limit exceededThe number of daily transactions or daily limit may have been exceeded.
EXPIRED_CARDIncorrect expiration dateThe expiry date of the card is incorrect. Buyer can try to pay again by correcting the expiry date.
FRAUD_CHECK_BLOCKPayment blocked due to fraud check rulesPayment blocked due to fraud check rules.
FRAUD_SUSPECTThe payment fails to pass the security checkBank of card rejected the payment transaction for security reasons. There is a suspicion of fraud or an error may have been received because many attempts were made. The payment transaction detail should be checked and payment may be requested to be tried again by contacting the buyer.
INVALID_AMOUNTInvalid amountInvalid amount, check the payment amount. The number of daily transactions or daily limit may have been exceeded. Please contact to the bank for detailed information.
INVALID_CARD_NUMBERInvalid card numberCard number not accepted by the bank. The card number should be checked and the payment should be tried again.
INVALID_CARD_TYPEInvalid card typeInvalid card type, please check card number. Please contact to the bank for detailed information.
INVALID_CAVVInvalid CAVV informationIncorrect CAVV information. Buyer should contact to the bank.
INVALID_CHARS_IN_EMAILEmail is not in valid formatEmail is invalid. Email information should be checked.
INVALID_CVC2_LENGTHCVC length is invalidThe security code (CVC2) of the card is incorrect. Buyer can try to pay again by correcting the security code.
INVALID_CVC2Cvc2 information is invalidThe length of the security code (CVC) entered with the card is invalid. Buyer can try to pay again by correcting the security code.
INVALID_ECIInvalid ECI informationIncorrect ECI. Buyer should contact to the bank.
INVALID_EXPIRE_YEAR_MONTHInvalid expiration dateThe expiry date of the card entered is invalid. Buyer should check the card information entered.
INVALID_IPInvalid IPv4If IPv4 definition is mandatory in Virtual POS, please make defined Craftgate IPv4 addresses by contacting to the bank.
INVALID_MERCHANT_OR_SPMerchant category code is incorrectMerchant category is incorrect. It is necessary to make a correction to merchant category by contacting the bank.
INVALID_PINInvalid PINInvalid PIN. Buyer should contact to the bank.
INVALID_TRANSACTIONInvalid transaction. Please try with another cardInvalid transaction. Please check the payment transaction detail, buyer should contact to the bank for detailed information.
ISSUER_OR_SWITCH_INOPERATIVEBank or terminal fail to processThe bank or POS cannot perform any payment transaction, a temporary interruption may have occurred.
LOST_CARDLost card, pickup the cardLost card. Transactions cannot be made with this card. Payment attempt may be suspected of fraud.
MAY_HAVE_ALREADY_REFUNDEDThe amount to be refunded must be less than the total paid amount. This payment may have been previously refunded.The amount to be refunded must be less than the sales amount. This payment may have been previously refunded.
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDERThe cardholder cannot do this transaction. Please try with another cardNo transaction can be made with this card. Payment can be made by trying a different card information.
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_FOREIGN_CARDTerminal is closed to international cardsPOS has not authorization for international card transactions. POS authorization should be checked.
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_INSTALLMENTTerminal does not allow installmentPOS has not authorization for installments. POS authorization should be checked.
NOT_PERMITTED_TO_TERMINALThe terminal is not authorized to perform this transactionPOS has not authorization for this operation. POS authorization should be checked.
NOT_SUFFICIENT_AWARDInsufficient award pointsThe reward point to be used is higher than the point amount belong to the card. Since there is not enough reward point, the amount of point should be updated and payment should be tried again.
NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balanceBuyer’s card does not have sufficient balance for payment. Buyer should contact to the bank.
NO_RESPONSEA general error occurred during the payment processBank could not respond within the expected time, there may have been a temporary interruption.
NO_SUCH_ISSUERBank not foundBank of card not found. The card number should be checked and the payment should be tried again.
ORDER_ID_ALREADY_USEDThe order number (orderId) has already been used. Order numbers must be unique for successful sales.The order number (orderId) was previously used during another successful checkout. Successful payment transaction should be checked, if you think that the payment has not been made, the payment should be tried again with a new order number.
PICKUP_CARDPickup the cardBank of card refused the payment due to security/fraud suspicion. Payment transaction cannot be made with this card.
POS_BALANCE_NOT_SUFFICIENTVirtual Pos balance is not sufficientVirtual Pos balance is not sufficient.
REFER_TO_CARD_ISSUERGet approval from your bankBank of card did not approve the payment. Buyer should contact to the bank for manual confirmation.
REQUEST_BLOCKED_BY_BANKThe request received an error from the bankPayment request is blocked by bank.
REQUEST_TIMEOUTRequest sent to bank timed outBank could not respond within the expected time, there may have been a temporary interruption.
REQUIRES_DAY_ENDCash up must be doneWith the POS, this transaction cannot be done before the end of the day operation.
RESTRICTED_BY_LAWYour card is closed to e-commerce transactions. Call your bank.The card is not permitted to e-commerce payments. Buyer should contact to the bank and authorize this card for e-commerce payment transactions.
RESTRICTED_CARDRestricted cardThe payment was not completed due to a restriction. Buyer can try again with different card information.
SALES_AMOUNT_LESS_THAN_AWARDThe sales amount cannot be lower than the award pointsThe reward points to be used cannot be higher than the payment amount. The point amount to be used should be updated to be equal to or less than the payment amount.
STOLEN_CARDStolen card, pickup the cardStolen card. Transactions cannot be made with this card. Payment attempt may be suspected of fraud.
THREEDS_INIT_ERROR3D Secure payment cannot be initialized3D Secure init request is failed, contact to the bank for more details.
UNKNOWNAn error occurred during the payment processPayment failed, error group not detected.