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List Management

When you need to create rule conditions with multiple IPv4 adresses, cards or members, you can create lists. These lists can be used as black list, gray list or white list.

Value Lists

Lists and containing values can be managed by merchant panel or craftgate api. You can access via Fraud Management > List Management menu items. Previously created lists are on the left side of List Management page. When a list selected, values of that lists appears on the right side of the page.

Fraud List Management

Creating New List

In order to create list, you can use Create New List button on Value Lists section(left side of page)

Fraud New List

In order to create list via api, you can check out Create List page.

Adding Value To A List

In order to add value to list, you can use Add New Value button on Value List Detail section(right side of page). Value addition can be temporary or indefinitely
Note: Card information should not be added via this page because of PCI-DSS requirement for card information can not be stored explicitly. You can add card to list via Fraud Checks page with card fingerprint data. Card Fingerprint can be stored in list for maximum 2 hours.

Fraud List Add Value

In order to add value to a list via api, you can check out Add Value To List page.

Removing Value From A List

In order to remove value from list, you can use Delete button for each row on Value List Detail section(right side of page).
In order to remove value from a list via api, you can check out Remove Value From List page.

Deleting List

In order to delete an existing list, you can use Delete button for each row on Value Lists section(left side of page).
In order to delete an existing list via api, you can check out Delete List page.

List Examples

@blockedCardNumbersBlocked card fingerprints
@allowedCardNumbersTrusted card fingerprints
@blockedBuyerIdsBlocked member ID's
@allowedBuyerIdsTrusted member ID's
@blockedClientIpsBlocked IPv4 adresses
@allowedClientIpsTrusted IPv4 adresses