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All Test Cards That Receive Error

Test Cards and Features for Failed Transactions

If you need a new test card for an error that is not in this list, please notify the Craftgate team.

Test Cards for Standard (Non 3D Secure) Payments

For Non 3D payment test cards that you can get error are listed below. In the table blank areas can complete related operation successfully.

Card NumberError GroupDescriptionStandard PaymentCancel / Refund
5100050000006661NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balanceERROR
5100560000006669DO_NOT_HONOURThe transaction has not been approvedERROR
5101380000006661INVALID_TRANSACTIONInvalid transactionERROR
5101510000006663NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDERThe cardholder cannot do this transaction. Please try with another cardERROR
5101520000006662STOLEN_CARDStolen card, pickup the cardERROR
5102210000006669DECLINEDPayment declinedERROR
5115830000006669NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balanceERROR
5117280000006665NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balanceERROR
5117580000006668NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balanceERROR
5136620000006669LOST_CARDLost card, pickup the cardERROR
5163080000006662EXPIRED_CARDIncorrect expiration dateERROR
5164580000006660INVALID_CVC2Cvc2 information is invalidERROR
5188960000006666NOT_PERMITTED_TO_TERMINALThe terminal is not authorized to perform this transactionERROR
5192610000006661FRAUD_SUSPECTThe payment fails to pass the security checkERROR
5193240000006666RESTRICTED_BY_LAWYour card is closed to e-commerce transactions. Call your bankERROR
5200170000006666UNKNOWNUnknown error happened in the systemERROR
5209220000006660CARD_NOT_PERMITTEDThe card does not allow the transactionERROR
5213940000006667APPROVED_COMPLETEDPre-approved transactionERROR
5220750000006661INVALID_CHARS_IN_EMAILEmail is not in valid formatERROR
5218750000006665INVALID_CVC2_LENGTHCVC length is invalidERROR
5222400000006661REFER_TO_CARD_ISSUERGet approval from your bankERROR
5222650000006661INVALID_MERCHANT_OR_SPMerchant category code is incorrectERROR
5223620000006663BLOCKED_CARDCard is blockedERROR
5237590000006662INVALID_CAVVInvalid CAVV informationERROR
5253290000006668INVALID_ECIInvalid ECI informationERROR
5253390000006666CVC2_MAX_ATTEMPTCVC2 incorrect entry attempts exceededERROR
5253820000006662BIN_NOT_FOUNDBIN not foundERROR
5254040000006666COMMUNICATION_OR_SYSTEM_ERRORCommunication or system errorERROR
5328130000006667INVALID_CARD_NUMBERInvalid card numberERROR
5339730000006661NO_SUCH_ISSUERBank not foundERROR
5342530000006660DEBIT_CARDS_REQUIRES_3DSDebit cards can only be used in 3D Secure transactionERROR
5353550000006664DEBIT_CARDS_INSTALLMENT_NOT_ALLOWEDInstallments cannot be made with debit cards.ERROR
5358810000006667REQUEST_TIMEOUTRequest sent to bank timed outERROR
5381210000006661NOT_PERMITTED_TO_FOREIGN_CARDTerminal is closed to international cardsERROR
5400240000006665NOT_PERMITTED_TO_INSTALLMENTTerminal does not allow installmentERROR
5400630000006667REQUIRES_DAY_ENDEnd of day must be doneERROR
5482020000006662EXCEEDS_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT_LIMITWithdrawal limit exceededERROR
5545480000006663RESTRICTED_CARDRestricted cardERROR
4006840000006663EXCEEDS_ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIESAllowed number of PIN entries exceededERROR
4007420000006663INVALID_PINInvalid PINERROR
4010720000006661ISSUER_OR_SWITCH_INOPERATIVEBank or terminal fail to processERROR
4022770000006662INVALID_EXPIRE_YEAR_MONTHInvalid expiration dateERROR
4024580000006663REQUEST_BLOCKED_BY_BANKThe request received an error from the bankERROR
4025890000006665SALES_AMOUNT_LESS_THAN_AWARDThe sales amount cannot be lower than the award pointsERROR
4029400000006669INVALID_AMOUNTInvalid amountERROR
4032800000006665INVALID_CARD_TYPEInvalid card typeERROR
4043080000006661NOT_SUFFICIENT_AWARDInsufficient award pointsERROR
4048090000006665AMEX_CAN_USE_ONLY_MRAmerican Express card errorERROR
4049520000006660NO_RESPONSEA general error occurred during the payment processERROR
4086250000006668INVALID_TRANSACTIONInvalid transactionERROR
4111580000006667REQUEST_TIMEOUTRequest is timeoutERROR
4132260000006661COMMUNICATION_OR_SYSTEM_ERRORCommunication or system errorERROR
4137290000006663COMMUNICATION_OR_SYSTEM_ERRORCommunication or system errorERROR
4183420000006669PICKUP_CARDPickup the cardERROR
4234800000006661CVC_REQUIREDCVC is required for paymentERROR
4059030000006667MAY_HAVE_ALREADY_REFUNDEDThe amount to be refunded must be less than the total paid amount. This payment may have been refunded beforeERROR
4059190000006669ORDER_ID_ALREADY_USEDThe order number (orderId) has already been used. Order numbers must be unique for successful salesERROR
4059190000176660INVALID_IPInvalid IPv4ERROR
4355080000006663POS_BALANCE_NOT_SUFFICIENTVirtual Pos balance is not sufficient.ERROR

Test Cards for 3D Secure Payments

For 3D Secure payment test cards that you can get error are listed below. In the table blank areas can complete related operation successfully.

If you are doing failing card tests on 3DPay model pos, you should call 3DS Complete service in order to get the error details of 3DS verification.

Card NumberError GroupDescription3D Secure Init3D Secure Verification3D Secure CompletionCancel / Refund
5100050000006661NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balanceERROR
5100560000006669DO_NOT_HONOURThe transaction has not been approvedERROR
5101380000006661INVALID_TRANSACTIONInvalid transactionERROR
5101510000006663NOT_PERMITTED_TO_CARDHOLDERThe cardholder cannot do this transaction. Please try with another cardERROR
5101520000006662STOLEN_CARDStolen card, pickup the cardERROR
5102210000006669DECLINEDPayment declinedERROR
5115830000006669NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balance
(3DS init can be done, but mdStatus returns 0 when verifying)
5117280000006665 [*]NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balance
(3DS init can be done, but mdStatus returns 4 when verifying.Payment can be received if the merchant 3DSecure verification type is HALF_THREEDS.)
5117580000006668NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balanceERRORERRORERROR
4355080000006663POS_BALANCE_NOT_SUFFICIENTVirtual Pos balance is not sufficient.ERROR

[*] If the merchant's 3DSecure verification type is FULL_THREEDS and mdstatus value at 3DS verification result is not 1, then the user has not authenticated themselves and the payment will fail. If the merchant's 3DSecure verification type If HALF_THREEDS, the cardholder is assumed to be 3DS authenticated with the values 1, 2, 3, 4 for the mdstatus. The related test card returns mdstatus 4 as a result of 3DS verification. While the payment cannot be completed at merchants with FULL_THREEDS, it can be completed successfully at merchants with HALF_THREEDS.

Test Cards for Pre-Auth / Post-Auth Payments

For Pre-Auth / Post-Auth payment test cards that you can get error are listed below. In the table blank areas can complete related operation successfully.

Card NumberError GroupDescriptionPre AuthPost Auth
9792120000006667NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient card limit, insufficient balance.ERROR
4043150000006662INVALID_TRANSACTIONInvalid transactionERROR