Payment with BKM Express
Things to do first
In order to use the BKM Express integration, you must have completed the following steps.
BKM Express must be On on Merchant Panel > Administration > Merchant Settings > Craftgate Features list.
Enter the information sent to you by BKM Express on Merchant Panel > Management > Merchant Settings > BKM Express Settings section.
Activate BKM_EXPRESS_PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION flag on Merchant Panel > Management > Merchant Settings > Webhook Settings
Add the BKM_EXPESS tag to your virtual POS which you want to receive payment on Merchant Panel > Management > POS Management
Payment Initiation with BKM Express
The endpoint and http method information used for BKM Express Payment Initiation is given below. You can start the BKM Express application by transmitting the created token values to the Client SDK provided by BKM.
Request Parameters
In this context, the parameters required to initiate a payment with BKM Express are as follows.
"boomerang" value that can be sent with the request and received with the response. It can be used to associate different requests with each other. Usually, the order number is used that is stored in merchant own system.
Total basket price. The sum of the item prices in the basket must be equal to total basket price.
The final amount to be paid from the card by calculating differences such as commissions and discounts. The amount to be collected from the wallet is also included in this amount. If there is an interest in the transaction, the amount with the interest added should be entered in this parameter.
ID of the buyer that is returned from member creation.
Indicates the installments to be shown in the payment step. If these installment options are not active on the pos, the installment options will not be displayed. If not sent, all installment options are returned.
Order id parameter to be transmitted to the bank when receiving the payment. Since it is optional, it is recommended not to send it and the orderId value is generated by Craftgate.
Payment items related to payment. You must send at least one payment item and the sum of prices must be equal to the price
Response Parameters
In this context, the parameters returned as a result of a payment with BKM Express are as follows.
Ticket id
BKM token value
BKM token path.
Complete Payment
After the user verifies the OTP in the BKM Express application, the order details are sent to callbackUrl by Craftgate. After making the necessary checks, a completion request is sent and the process is expected to be completed.
Payment Complete Request Parameters
In this context, the parameters required to complete a payment with BKM Express are as follows.
If you want the payment to be completed successfully, true is sent; otherwise false should be sent
The message to be sent regarding the payment
Ticket ID value of the payment
Response Parameters
Parameters returned as a result of payment are also subject to the rules specified in the Response Formats section of the API documentation home page. In the absence of a systematic or fictional error, the sub-parameters of the object returned in the data parameter are as follows:
ID of the payment.
The date that payment is created
Basket price of the payment
Paid price of the payment
Wallet price of the payment
Buyer member ID of the payment
Installment number
Value of theconversationId
parameter sent in the payment request
See: Payment Types
See: Payment Status
value sent by the merchant in the payment request
Indicates whether the payment is 3D Secure payment
Interest rate to calculate paid price that buyer will pay
Interest amount. Equal to the difference between paidPrice
and price
Bank commission rate
Bank commission rate amount
Indicates whether the payment was made with a stored card
Exist for the payments fully or partially collected from the card. First 8 digits of the card
Exist for the payments fully or partially collected from the card. Last 4 digits of the card
Card holder name surname
Card holder name surname retrieved from bank. The return value might be null for PF poses
authCode value retrieved from bank related to the payment. The return value might be null for PF poses
hostReference value retrieved from bank related to the payment
transId value retrieved from bank related to the payment. The return value might be null for PF poses
orderId value retrieved from bank related to the payment
Card Association
Brand of card. Exist for the payments fully or partially collected from the card
POS info that payment is received
It includes the transaction information sent when making the payment request, and the pricing and money transfer information of the payment based on these transactions
Sample Codes
You can review the sample codes in the open source Craftgate API clients.