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Pre-Auth / Post-Auth Payment

On this page, you can find the details of pre-authorization (pre auth) and capture (post auth).

Pre-authorization & Non-3D Secure


The endpoint and http method information to create pre-authorized payment are stated below.


Request Parameters

All parameters in a regular payment request also apply to pre-authorisation. To create a pre-authorization, a request must be sent with the paymentPhase parameter as PRE_AUTH. You can create pre-authorization by examining the payment receiving service and sending the expected parameter in the pre-authorization. The response received in the pre-authorization process is the same as in the regular payment request. For payment service see: Create Payment

Pre-authorization & 3D Secure

Pre-authorization with 3D Secure also applies to regular 3D Secure streams. PRE_AUTH will have been completed as 3D Secure when the end user validates it with the OTP code received. A 3D Secure PRE_AUTH transaction must first be completed by visiting the 3D Complete service and then the post authorization service must be used.


The endpoint and http method information to create pre-authorized payment with 3D Secure are stated below.


Request Parameters

All parameters in a normal 3D Secure payment request also apply to pre-authorisation. To create a pre-authorization, a request must be sent with the paymentPhase parameter as PRE_AUTH. You can create a pre-authorization by examining the payment receiving service and sending the expected parameter in the pre-authorization. The response received in the pre-authorization process is the same as in the regular payment request. For payment service see: Create 3D Secure Payment

Please pay attention

  • Pre-authorization can be initiated for Listing/Subscription payments.
  • Pre-authorization can only be done with stored card information or open card information. Wallet is not supported.
  • Pre-authorization cannot be refunded from an initiated payment item, you must use the refund service.
  • Pre-authorization process can be used for virtual POS of banks, but it cannot be used in payment and e-money institutions.

Pre-authorization Sample Codes

You can review the sample codes in the open source Craftgate API clients.


For a successfully pre-authorized payment, you can complete the payment with post-authorization. You can complete 1.5 times of the initial pre-auth price at post-auth phase.

For a payment that has been successfully pre-authorized, you can complete the payment by closing the authorization. You can close the pre-authorization at a rate of 1.5 times the amount you initially set. Craftgate supports up to 50% as provisioning margin value.

Banks' provisioning margin values for your POS may vary. While one bank may have set a margin value of +-15% for the amount you will close the provision, another bank may have set a margin value of +-30%. You should contact your bank to find out the provision margin value of your pos.


The endpoint and http method information to change an existing payment phase as post-authorization are stated below.


Request Parameters


ID of the pre-authorized payment


The amount that is requested to be captured

Response Parameters

Parameters returned as a result of the payment receive are also subject to the rules specified in the Response Formats section of the API documentation home page. The response received in the post-authorization is the same as the response in the regular payment request. For payment service see: Create Payment

Post-authorization Sample Codes

You can review the sample codes in the open source Craftgate API clients.