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Craftgate has an integration with Alfabank(Center Leasing) which is one of shopping loan integrator. You can make an shopping loan application and make payment with shopping loan via using Craftgate API.

Things to do first

In order to use the Alfabank integration, you must have completed the following steps.

  1. Alternative Payment Method Integration must be On on Merchant Panel > Administration > Merchant Settings > Craftgate Features list.

    Alternative Payment Methods in Craftgate Features
  2. Enter the information sent to you by Alfabank on Merchant Panel > Administration > APM Management > Alfabank after Enable Alfabank Integration status.

    Alfabank Integration Settings

Pay via Alfabank(Center Leasing) Shopping Loan

The loan application process is initiated by triggering the shopping loan payment flow via Craftgate. The customer should be directed to the bank's link that is received in response and the loan application process can continue at the bank side. Payment flows may differ depending on the bank.

After the completion of the loan application, a call is made to the Craftgate system and the result of the shopping credit payment process is notified by redirecting to the callbackUrl address sent by the customer in the payment initiation request.

NONENo additional action is required.
APPROVAL_REQUIREDApproval must be given when the products are shipped or before they are delivered to the user.

See: Pay via Shopping Loan

Shopping Loan Approval

As a result of the credit application process, after the merchant receives APPROVAL_REQUIRED as the additionalAction parameter to the callbackUrl address, the merchant performs checks on its own side and To approve the credit, Craftgate needs to call the credit approval service. After the approval, the status of the order is updated as delivered on Alfabank side.

See here: Shopping Credit Approval

Cancellation and Refund

Alfabank BNPL payments must be unapproved in order to be canceled (cancellation of the entire payment) and approved in order to be refunded(partially refund of the payment).