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Craftgate is integrated with İşPay as an alternative payment method. You can easily receive payments from İşPay with the API & CPP.

Things to do first

In order to use the İşPay integration, you must have completed the following steps.

  1. Alternative Payment Methods must be On on Merchant Panel > Administration > Merchant Settings > Craftgate Features list.

    Alternative Payment Methods in Craftgate Features
  2. Enter the information sent to you by İşPay on Merchant Panel > Administration > APM Management > Enable İşPay Integration status.

    IsPay integration settings

Payment via İşPay

You can receive payments from İşPay users via Craftgate API & CPP.

Payment via İşPay From API

You can integrate with alternative payment methods service via Craftgate API to receive İşPay payments. Payment via İşPay from API has 2 steps.


In order to receive payments with İşPay, apmType should be sent as ["ISPAY"].

1. APM Payment Init: You should initialize apm payment as apm type of İşPay. For more information, see Pay With Alternative Payment Methods

As an successful APM Payment Init Response

  • paymentStatus field should WAITING
  • additionalAction field should value of REDIRECT_TO_URL

2. APM Payment Complete: User will be redirected to your callbackUrl with the result when completing/approving the payment on İşPay.