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Craftgate is integrated with Masterpass. With the Craftgate Payment Form and the Common Payment Page, you can easily receive payments from cards registered on Masterpass.

Things to do first

In order to use the Masterpass integration, you must have completed the following steps.

  1. Masterpass Integration must be On on Merchant Panel > Administration > Merchant Settings > Craftgate Features list.

    Masterpass in Craftgate features list
  2. Enter the information sent to you by Masterpass on Merchant Panel > Administration > Merchant Settings > Masterpass Integration Settings.

    Masterpass Integration Settings
  3. Define the virtual POS you want to receive payment from on the Merchant Panel > Administration > Merchant Settings > POS Management screen.

    Masterpass Integration Settings
  4. When initiating the payment via the payment form, add the user's phone number associated with Masterpass as the masterpassGsmNumber field in the sent request. See: Payment with Payment Form.

Reminder: If the user whose phone you have forwarded does not have a card associated with Masterpass before, the Masterpass tab will not appear in the payment form.

You can now start receiving payments from cards registered on Masterpass.

Payment with Masterpass

You can receive payments from cards associated with Masterpass via the common payment page. The payment experience and flow can be summarized as follows.

  1. If the user has cards linked with Masterpass, the Masterpass tab is displayed on the payment form.

    Masterpass tab
  2. When the Masterpass tab is clicked (if the user is using their Masterpass account for the first time at your Masterpass Merchant), confirmation needs to be obtained regarding the use of the cards registered to the user's Masterpass account at your business.

    Masterpass usage confirmation
  3. When the Masterpass tab is opened, the cards linked with the user's Masterpass are listed.

    Masterpass card listing
  4. The user chooses one of the cards they want to pay with and the installment they want.

    Masterpass installment inquiry
  5. When the Pay button is clicked, a one-time password is sent to the user's phone by Masterpass and the user is expected to enter this password.

    Masterpass verification
  6. After the payment is received, the user is directed to the callbackUrl address added to the payment form init request. See: Payment with Payment Form

Receive Payment Only via Masterpass

You may want to receive payment from your users only via Masterpass. Then you should follow these steps.

  1. If you send [MASTERPASS] with the enabledPaymentMethods parameter in the payment form initiation request, the card payment tab will not be displayed to the user. Only the Masterpass tab will be accessible.

    Card listing only with Masterpass
  2. If you choose to receive payments only with Masterpass, you will not be able to receive payments if the user does not have a card linked with Masterpass account.

    No card linked with Masterpass
  3. If you choose to receive payments only with Masterpass, a warning message will be displayed when user approval is needed.

    No card linked with Masterpass